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Player must live or attend a physical school within your league's boundaries.
Exception: A player who has submitted a waiver to District 1 and been approved through Western Region and be able to produce the approved waiver. This waiver should be included within the players All Star documentation packet in the team book. There are 2 ways to verify eligibility.

Home Verification
The family must provide one piece of documentation from each of the three groups. The dates on the documentation must be 2/1/2024-2/1/2025 anything dated prior to or after those dates will not be accepted.

1. Driver’s License
2. School records
3. Vehicle records (i.e., registration, lease, etc.)
4. Employment records 5. Insurance documents

1. Welfare/childcare records
2. Federal records (i.e. Federal Tax, Social Security, etc.)
3. State records
4. Local (municipal) records
5. Support payment records
6. Homeowner or tenant records
7. Military records

1. Voter’s Registration
2. Utility bills (i.e., gas, electric, water/ sewer, phone, mobile phone, heating, waste disposal)
3. Financial records (i.e. loan, credit, investments, etc.)
4. Medical records
5. Internet, cable, or satellite records

School Enrollment Verification
The physical school building must be within your league boundaries. 
The player must have been enrolled with that school prior to October 1st of the current academic year.
School enrollment form filled out by the school.

Regular season games played requirements:
--8-10s, 9-11s, 10-12s, Intermediate and Juniors teams must have played in at least 12 regular season games.
--8-10s, 9-11s, 10-12s, Intermediate and Juniors players must have participated in at least 8 regular season games. 
Players who were injured during the season making them unable to participate in the minimum number of games required must have an official doctor’s note stating they were medically unable to participate but have been cleared. This documentation needs to be included in within the players All Star documentation packet in the team book.

Senior's players are not required to have played a minimum amount of regular season games to be eligible.


Teams must have a minimum of 12 players rostered for each tournament team. 
If a team does not have a minimum of 12 players, this must be approved by the District Administrator.
No alternate players are permitted on the roster.
All teams can have 3 coaches regardless of the number of players on the roster.


●Heads up Concussion Training
●Sudden Cardiac Arrest Training
●Diamond Leaders Training
●Abuse Awareness for Adults

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