
When it comes to concussions, we all share the responsibility of keeping our baseball and softball players safe.  Stilly Valley Little League believes that the first step in preventing concussions is education. Our league requires:

  • That all Coaches are educated in the nature and risk of concussion or head injury prior to the first practice/competition.  This education includes the signs and symptoms of concussion/brain injury, and can be found here.
  •  That all Parents/Guardians and Players are educated and required to sign an informed consent relating to the nature and risk of concussions/head injuries.  The information sheet includes signs and symtoms of concussion/brain injury, and can be found here.

If a concussion or head injury is suspected:

  • The athlete will be removed from participation/competition IMMEDIATELY.
  • The athlete is not allowed to return to play until he/she has received WRITTEN clearance from a licensed health care provider trained in the evaluation and management of brain injury.  Such health care provider may include:  Medical Doctor (MD), Doctor of Osteopathy (DO), Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP), Physician's Assistant (PA), Licensed Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC).

Team Safety Parents

During the first week of practice, each team will choose a Team Safety Parent.  These volunteers will work closely with the Safety Officer to prevent injuries, identify safety concerns, increase communication between the Safety Officer and individual teams and improve the reporting of accidents/incidents. The role of the Team Safety Parent includes:

  • Encouraging coaches, players, volunteers, and parents to uphold the SVLL Safety Code and Little League Rules.
  • Identifying any players with potential safety concerns and notifying the Safety Officer for further evaluation. (Example: Players with severe allergies or chronic illnesses)
  •  Notifying the Safety Officer within 48 hours of an accident/incident.
  •  Assisting coaches in filling out an Incident Tracking Form for all accidents/incidents that cause harm or could potentially cause harm to a player, manager, coach, umpire, volunteer or spectator.
  •  Assisting parents who wish to file an insurance claim in filling out an Accident Claim Form for injuries that required medical attention.
  •  Restocking the First Aid Kit as needed.
  •  Identifying and reporting potential safety concerns to the Safety Officer.
  •  Aiding communication between the Safety Officer and their respective team.
  •  Knowing where the key safety items/references are located.  These include: Your team's first aid kit, Safety manual, the Quick reference first aid cards in the dugouts,  Emergency numbers and field addresses.

How to report an injury

Stilly Valley Little League is committed to providing a fun, safe, quality experience for all of the players, coaches, umpires, volunteers and families that participate in our league.

  • Any accident/incident involving a player, manager, coach, umpire, volunteer or spectator that leads to medical treatment and/or first aid, should be reported to the leage Safety Officer within 24 hours.  [email protected]
  • ALL incidents that have caused harm or could potentially cause harm to a player, manager, coach, umpire, volunteer or spectator need to be reported on an Incident Tracking Form and turned in to the Safety Officer ASAP.  The Incident tracking form is a way for us to keep a record and report safety hazards that may be contributing to injuries.
  • If an accident occurs that requires medical treatment, the coach, player’s parent/guardian and the league's safety officer need to complete an Accident Notification Form and forward it to Little League International within 20 days of the accident.  Instructions for filling out an Accident Notification Form can be found here.  Additional information about "What Parents Should Know About Little League Insurance" can be found here.

**Any player who sustains an injury that requires professional medical care must have a written note from their medical professional stating when they are allowed to return to regular baseball/softball practices and games.  Players will not be allowed to participate in SVLL activities until such note is turned in to the Team Safety Parent, Coach, or Safety Officer.

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