We would like to Welcome our new board members!
Toni Krischano, Laurel Lawrence, Pearl Verbon, Ryan Blaisdell, Frankie Nelson, Jesse Machado, Austen Suddoth, Amanda Torrey, and Linda Martineau.
First thank you for volunteering and helping make a difference in our community! We look forward to a productive year helping these kids play ball. With fall ball coming to an end we are taking a step in the right direction in getting ready for the upcoming year.
Let’s Welcome back our previous board members!
Cace Tyler, Kyle Rix, Marty Shoemaker, Scott Martineau, Danna Gibson, Johnny Erikson, Rich Filori, Ken Gilbert, Lindsey Gutenkauf, Dan English, and Sarah Morgan.
Thank you for your continued dedication to this community! We have a great team that was put together, Stilly Pride!